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A custom design offers everything you could imagine in a Tiny House. I specialize in Modern clean design as this has many advantages for a small space. Minimalism allows for the space, and the environment that space is currently sitting, to be the focal point. This does not mean stark, sterile spaces, but rather warm, inviting places to feel good in. By using clever design, costs can be brought down, and depending on finishes, appliances, and grid tie capability, you can achieve your dream for a lot less. 


Below are a few examples of designs that range from 24’ to 35’. They feature a similar aesthetic to the 20’ model for sale currently, but showcase different design strategies. Base pricing does not include all appliances, off grid features, or premium finishes.

24’ x 8.5’ x 13.5’

Standing height loft entrance

Base Price - $30,000

24’ x 8.5’ x 13.5’

Living room pullout

Base Price - $40,000

35’ x 10’ x 13.5’

Standing height private bedroom

Living room pullout

Base Price - $60,000

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